Sunday, January 20, 2019

Am I Christian Enough?

So many of you know me, have interacted with me in person. I curse, I listen to "worldly" music, I love Star Wars and Harry Potter (I even have a tattoo of the deathly hallows on me), and I love to read most anything fantasy or sci-fi. And with all of these attributes I bring up the question: Am I Christian enough?

See I've read the Bible, but not all the way through. I know for sure I've read the first five books of the New Testament all the way through, along with a few of the shorter books. I can't quote the Bible verbatim. I may mix up stories and where they're found. I don't know how to rebuke someone who quotes the Bible at me. Am I Christian enough?

I love reading and movies and music, but I don't want to be bound by just "Christian" ones. Only listen to the Christian radio station, only read books about Christianity, and God forbid only watch those cheesy Christian movies. I love my Star Wars, Harry Potter, Doctor Who, and more. Are those Christian? Can I be Christian and enjoy them?

I struggled with a conclusion paragraph for one of these blog posts.  I continually had to change it because according to my roommate, it was a 12/10 on the cheesiness factor. It didn't sound like me. She was right. I don't go around talking about Jesus, God, and the Bible all the time. Does that make me a bad Christian? I understand and respect peoples' wishes when they don't want to talk about religion because most of the time they've been hurt by it. I don't try and convert everyone I talk to. And the best part is, my career is in science. How the hell am I supposed to be a Christian and a scientist AT THE SAME TIME??? (sarcasm alert. I'm confident in my juxtaposition)

I'm reading a book right now that helps with some parts of my faith. But man, is it hard to read something that every page has several Bible verses backing it up and I have no idea what those verses say or even what context they're in?? Reading these Christian books has never been easy; many times they've been uncomfortable. It's also sad that I feel more comfortable getting questions answered from books than my own church/pastor. Like why don't we talk about the LGBT community in church when I know several members who fall in that community? Why don't we talk about sex (I'm not saying I need a sermon, but for people to actual talk about sexuality, marriage, and religion in the same room)? What interpretations do we accept from the Bible and which ones do we write off?

All of these questions go through my head when I let them, along with many others. This doubting makes me compare myself to others and bring up the question: Am I Christian enough? And that's something I unfortunately have to figure out for myself.

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